Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Outbreak and Rise of ISIS

The Middle East has always been in conflict and the new big threat of late has been ISIS (Islamic State of Iran and Syria). ISIS knows no bounds and considers itself the all powerful ruler of the Muslim world. The group has been constantly crossing boundaries and has a presence in over 10 Middle Eastern countries. 

ISIS is a very extremist group whose main goal is to create a pure Islamic state by any means necessary. It advocates jihad, which is "religious war", and has committed many crimes against humanity.  ISIS has beheaded a plethora of journalists and has broadcasted these killings worldwide as a means to intimidate other countries.

Their inhumane acts do not stop there. In their most recent killings on February 16th, ISIS beheaded 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya (CNN Staff). As is custom with a majority of their murders, this was captured on video. ISIS's ruthless executions have prompted many nations from NATO, the EU, and the CCASG to speak out and condemn the organization. 

ISIS's weapons are mostly old stockpiles left behind by Saddam Hussein and have played a major role in its territorial occupation up to this point. ISIS does have nuclear materials, but has not transformed them into any sort of atomic bomb at this point.

ISIS mainly utilizes social media in its propaganda and recruiting tactics. Until August 2014, Twitter was ISIS's main means of communicating and sharing its agenda and propaganda. The group also has an online magazine titled Dabiq, which exists in a variety of languages including English. ISIS has actually succeeded in recruiting some radical Americans to join their cause.

Even with its Twitter account shut down, ISIS continues to broadcast and boast in the many atrocities it has committed. Some of ISIS's infamous crimes include:
  • Killing over 9,347 civilians and wounding over 17,386 ("'Terrifying' UN Report Details ISIS War Crimes in Iraq.").
  • Execution of over 1,500 Iraqi soldiers ("'Terrifying' UN Report Details ISIS War Crimes in Iraq.").
  • Horrendous treatment of women that has resulted in 150 single girls and women being sold as sex slaves ("'Terrifying' UN Report Details ISIS War Crimes in Iraq.").
  • Destruction of various cultural and religious locations that ISIS's doctrine condemns ("'Terrifying' UN Report Details ISIS War Crimes in Iraq.").
  • The displacement of over 1.8 million Iraqis who have fled from their homes ("'Terrifying' UN Report Details ISIS War Crimes in Iraq.").
This report was written in October of last year, so this list does not even include what ISIS has done in the last three and a half months. There are also a majority of other accusations against ISIS that have not yet been verified. 

ISIS may not be an imminent threat to the United States, but I feel that something is in the works. If the USA continues to let ISIS operate in the Middle East without punishment, then another attack of 9/11 proportions may be on the rise. ISIS has claimed it wants to raise the flag of Allah over the White House and it is only a matter of time before somebody makes a move.

ISIS will definitely not take over the world due to the fact that is has angered so many countries. The group does not have the manpower to essentially take on the whole world in what would be a World War III type of scenario. The group adheres to no law and strongly believes that its violent actions are what the Islam religion calls it to do. Honestly, these radicals have taken Islam to the ultimate extreme and will not be around much longer to see their "world domination" if they keep messing with the wrong countries, especially the United States of America.


         CNN Staff. "ISIS Releases Video Claiming Beheadings of Egyptian Coptic Christians -" CNN. Cable News Network. Web. 18 Feb. 2015. <>.

          "'Terrifying' UN Report Details ISIS War Crimes in Iraq." - RT News. Web. 18 Feb. 2015. <>.

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